Exploring the Unique Coat Colors of Finnish ‘Salty Liquorice’ Cats

In a remarkable discovery, researchers in Finland have pinpointed the genetic mutation responsible for a unique coat pattern in cats that resembles the country’s beloved salty liquorice, known locally as salmiak.

This intriguing coloration is characterized by fur that is darker at the base and gradually fades to white towards the tips, with the cats’ tails usually ending in white as well. Besides this distinctive trait, these felines often exhibit a classic tuxedo pattern, featuring a predominantly white neck, chest, belly, and paws, although occasionally, spots of color may dot these white areas.

The journey to this discovery began in 2007 when the unusual coat pattern, initially referred to as “the Finnish mutation,” was observed in three cats from central Finland. The intrigue deepened in 2019, prompting Heidi Anderson of Mars Petcare Science & Diagnostics in Helsinki, a specialist in feline genetics, to delve further into this phenomenon. Collaborating with researchers from the University of Helsinki, Anderson led efforts to locate more cats with the same coat pattern through media outreach.

Despite initial DNA tests returning negative for known gene variants affecting white fur, the team pressed on, eventually sequencing the genomes of two cats. They identified a significant mutation near the KIT gene, known to influence white hair patterns in various domestic animals. This discovery was significant, as Anderson explains, “We found a substantial sequence missing downstream from the KIT gene.”

To confirm the mutation’s role, the researchers developed a specific test and applied it to 181 Finnish house cats. The results were telling—only three cats exhibited the salmiak coat, having inherited the mutation from both parents. Additionally, three others had received the variant from one parent, while the remaining majority showed no sign of the mutation.

These findings confirm the recessive nature of the mutation leading to the salmiak fur pattern, an aesthetic that has captured the admiration of many over the years. “It’s thrilling to finally understand the genetics behind these uniquely patterned coats,” says Anderson. This breakthrough not only adds to our understanding of genetic diversity in cats but also highlights the complexity of their genetic traits.

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